Merchant Marine Circular No. 247

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Merchant Marine Circulars

Please find attached copy of Merchant  Marine Circular No. 247 PMA MMC 247recently issued by Panama Maritime Authority (PMA) whereby it is informed the implementation of the Panama Electronic Equipment For Marine Surveys known as PELE MARINE SYSTEM.

 The Pele-Marine system is a modern tool that aim to streamline the supervision process of the vessels under Panama Flag.  The system will help ships inspectors in the supervision process using a digital tablet bundled with a wireless printer.  The system will simultaneously help the Administration with the transmitted data for processing the information obtained.

 To access it please visit  For their benefits or usage please contact, Skype: Pele-Marine, Phone: +178-6600-1581 or the online customer support.

In case you need further assistance regarding this matter, please contact us to

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